TechTalks Agder

Competence development for everyone!

Many of the employees in the IT industry often take courses and certifications on their own or through their employer. The idea behind TechTalks Agder is inspired by such courses, and at the same time wants to offer something a little different. It can be providing know-how, tips, and examples outside of what is usually offered in the traditional online training courses.

The aim of the initiative is to increase the general level of competence. The offer will be aimed at people who are both in work, as well as those who are looking for a job in IT.
The hope is that increased knowledge in various topics can help people find work, and those who are looking for a job, by making them more attractive to employers.

On this page we will post your calendar and courses. Feel free to contact us to inquire about specific topics or if you want to give a talk!

Upcoming events

Tech Talks Agder – Tema: Blokkjede – dette arrangementet er gratis | Digin